It’s a playground that will have facilities for the very young, senior citizens, people with physical and emotional disabilities, and the public in general.
It will be located next to The Monument Community Presbyterian Church at 238 3rd Street, Monument, CO 80132
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It is a joint venture between the Monument Hill Kiwanis Club, the Monument Presbyterian Church
, and the Town of Monument.
Depending upon fundraising, we expect the Play Park to be open to the public in summer/fall of 2024.
The park is designed and constructed to overcome barriers to participation that may be presented by a person’s physical, cognitive, communicative, social/emotional or sensory abilities. Every effort will be taken to make the park both welcoming and safe to all.
While parks like this are still not the norm, they are becoming more popular and there are companies that specialize in designing and building these kinds of parks. Locally, there are three such parks that can be reached by automobile in a half hour or less.
Our continuous community outreach indicates that there is broad and energetic support for such a project.
The Town of Monument will own, maintain, and manage the playground.
The land will be donated to the Town of Monument by the Monument Community Presbyterian Church.
A Site Survey was completed for the Town in December 2022. A Civil Engineering Firm has been selected to provide an initial site assessment relating to drainage and appropriate use.
The leadership of the church looks at this as an opportunity to make a contribution to those in the greater Monument area, and it will provide a nearby playground for use by families associated with the church.
The funds will be raised by the Monument Hill Kiwanis Club in partnership with the Town of Monument.
We will not use professional fundraisers.
The current target for the project is $400,000.
Critical engineering expenses and legal work must be completed to meet requirements that the Town of Monument must satisfy before any capital is allocated to the park’s infrastructure. Kiwanis volunteers have, and will continue to, donate their time and expertise in order to control expenses so that the majority of the funds raised may be devoted to park equipment.
TBD, depending upon fundraising, but we expect the Play Park to be open to the public in Summer-Fall 2024.
The park will be designed to be inclusive. We know that families with special needs and seniors welcome the park, but it excludes no one with a legitimate intent to use the facility.
We already have the support of several major public and private organizations and will continue to work to earn the support of more as soon as approval for the project is received from the town.
Based on experience with other parks in the area, we expect the completed park to be in use on a daily basis, providing another positive contribution to community life in Monument.
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